Vi racconto cosa c'è dietro l'accordo Sky-Telecom. Parla Preta


Revenues from VoD services in Western Europe this year will grow at a record rate of 60 per cent compared to 2015, according to a report by Rome-based ITMedia Consulting.

The “Video on demand in Europe: 2016-2019. The future is (also) mobile” report predicts that revenues will reach €6.54 billion in 2019, with an average annual growth rate of 17 per cent.

France, Germany and the UK currently account for 57.7 per cent of the Western European VOD market, a figure set to rise to 58.8 per cent in 2019. For its part, Transactional VoD is destined to drastically reduce its market share from half of the total to just over a quarter, to the benefit of Subscription VoD services that will grow at rates well above TVoD.

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Western Europe VoD revenues up 69% this year

Vi racconto cosa c'è dietro l'accordo Sky-Telecom. Parla Preta

Revenues from VoD services in Western Europe this year will grow at a record rate of 60 per cent compared to 2015, according to a report by Rome-based ITMedia Consulting.

The “Video on demand in Europe: 2016-2019. The future is (also) mobile” report predicts that revenues will reach €6.54 billion in 2019, with an average annual growth rate of 17 per cent.

France, Germany and the UK currently account for 57.7 per cent of the Western European VOD market, a figure set to rise to 58.8 per cent in 2019. For its part, Transactional VoD is destined to drastically reduce its market share from half of the total to just over a quarter, to the benefit of Subscription VoD services that will grow at rates well above TVoD.

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