Big Numbers, Big Data: The New Frontiers of VOD

Predictive analytics, which uses techniques in data mining, statistical modeling and OTT video analysis as well is taking big data analytics to its next logical level. Supervised machine learning algorithms are bringing powerful insights in predicting future trends. These predictions are influencing decisions at the very core of online video business.

Through their analytics, companies like Netflix and Amazon may know how much content users need to watch in order to be less likely to cancel, what each customers likes to view, and what is looking forward to watch: a recommendation algorithm helping users discover new movies and TV shows, fostering and steering the fruition of new video content is integral to OTTs' customer retention and fidelization, as well as for content acquisition strategies. And this is what ultimately drives success.

This and more in the ITMedia Consulting Report "Video on Demand in Europe: 2017-2020. Big Numbers, Big Data" available from June 8th, 2017.

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