Foundation Robert Schuman

Streaming media and Telecommunication: the turning point?


10th June 2020, 5 pm

On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 at 5 pm, Augusto PRETA, Founder and CEO at ITMedia Consulting, together with Roberto VIOLA, Director General of DG CONNECT at the European Commission, and Gérard POGOREL, Professor Emeritus of Economics and Management at  Telecom Paris, will present and discuss the study "Convergence in Media and Telecom in the face of Covid-19: Europe in a Transatlantic and International Perspective".

The event, hosted by the Robert Schuman Foundation, will examine the state of convergence between media and telecommunications in an time of profound transformations, facing the new challenges and the great uncertainties related to the spread of COVID-19 and its foreseeable consequences in sectors that are increasingly interconnected.

The debate will be moderated by Ramona BLOJ, Head of Studies at the Robert Schuman Foundation.

- To see the Full programme, click here
- To register to the Webinar, click here

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