The digital platform at your service

To help companies to reduce the risks and to take advantage of the opportunities in a period of great uncertainty and economic difficulties, ITMedia Consulting created in 2020, ITMEDIA ONLINE, a digital platform capable of providing products and services best suited to the rapidly changing competitive environment.

The activity was carried out through the webinar and other events, as well as studies and research reports, also in partnership with important institutions and research centers:


In 2021 ITMedia Consulting will continue on the same  path, launching increasingly innovative services and expanding and diversifying its proposal, to better respond to the great challenges of the sector. Research reports will continue to be one of the key value propositions of ITMEDIA ONLINE, available individually or as part of the Multiclient Premium Pack

All those who subscribe to ITMEDIA ONLINE 2021 services will thus be able to access the ITMedia Consulting multiclient offer, now in SPECIAL PRICE PROMOTION. With the Premium Pack corporate subscription (up to 7 users) you will receive the entire ITMEDIA ONLINE offer, free of charge and without limitations.


- For further information on ITMEDIA ONLINE, click here
- To subscribe to ITMEDIA ONLINE, click here
- To subscribe to the ITMedia Premium Pack, click here
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Ogni anno ITMedia Consulting realizza rapporti di ricerca multi-cliente sui principali temi che caratterizzano il settore della comunicazione digitale
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