The Conference

Skills, creativity and networks: where is convergence heading?

Will take place in the presence of Antonio Catricalà, President of the Competition Authority, and of Corrado Calabrò, President of the Communications Authority, on March 14, in Rome.

This will also be the first public appearance for ITMedia Consulting, the new research and consultant company in the field of digital media and convergence, headed by Augusto Preta.

The participants will analyse the most relevant issues relating to rights, content and convergence. Massimo Mucchetti, Corriere della Sera, will lead a debate among players and regulators, aimed to assess the developments and future perspectives of this strategic industry, at an international level.

Among those who have already confirmed their attendance: Claudio Petruccioli [RAI], Tommaso Pompei [Tiscali] e Corrado Sciolla [BT Albacom].

The event will take place on March 14, from 9.30 am, in Rome, Palazzo Marini, Sala delle colonne, via Poli 19.

Please, find here attached the programme of the Conference

Conference Skills, creativity and network

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