
Where content meets convergence

ITMedia Consulting is a research and consulting company working in the field of digital content and media.

What distinguishes the company is its international dimension; its distinctive feature is its focus on the digital transition, content accessibility and convergence between media - internet - telecommunications.


ITMedia Consulting has improved its expertise by working with operators - incumbents, new entrants and regulators - on international markets and proposing itself as point of reference to face challenges of the digital environment and convergence.

An innovative approach, highly-skilled top management, an international dimension, its reputation and independence enable ITMedia Consulting to offer high-quality customized services, targeted to specific client needs.


LUISS - Osservatorio Comunicazioni elettroniche
Sala delle Colonne - Viale Pola 12
Roma, 17 February 2015

The increasing importance of the internet in our lives, the new consumption patterns, the second screen, the growing success of social networks have been the main elements of the transition to the tv 2.0.

Finally, the video on demand, the smart TVs and Netflix bring about many important issues. If the new internet TVs play an important role in leading Italy towards the next generation networks, this change will involve a reflection on some key isses. The arrival of Netflix will cause changes in the transmission, distribution, consumption and content production systems.

  • How will this change impact on market regulation?
  • How should the new players be regulated?
  • How to create a fair regulation for old and new players of the valude chain, in this brand new framework?
  • What will the consequences be as for net neutrality? Is it fair to create a privileged lane for those operators that need larger and larger bandwidth?

These will be the main issues discussed during the workshop on 17 Februray at Luiss, which will gather academics, experts, players and regulators.


Chairs: Gustavo Olivieri, Luiss Guido Carli
9.30     Welcome address Antonio Nuzzo, Luiss Guido Carli
           Francesco Sclafani, Agcom

10.00   Sutdy: Video on Demand in Europe. Augusto Preta, ITMedia Consulting

10.30   Evolution of the video market, development of demand for ultra broadband and net neutrality
Filippo Donati, Università di Firenze

Pier Luigi Parcu, Istituto Universitario Europeo
Stefano Parisi,  Fondatore Chili
Antonio Preto, Agcom

11.45   Audiovisual content in the TV2.0: new competition and regulatory prfiles
Giuseppe Abbamonte, DG Connect
Roberto Chieppa, Agcm

Antonio Martusciello, Agcom
Oreste Pollicino, Università Bocconi Dibattito

13.00   Conclusions. On. Antonello Giacomelli, MISE (tbc)

Press office: Elena D’Alessandri, 327 6934452 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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