content_market_2008Released on March 2008

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The future of video content market is online. The phenomenon reached a world dimension, thanks to the diffusion of broadband and involves viewers, producers, content providers and the mainstream broadcasters. In Europe, at the end of 2007, its revenue amounted to €116 million and this figure will grow consistently, reaching €701 mln by the end of 2011.

The download to rent (DTR) services, which represents 80% of the market and whose value is €91 million, are going to generate most of the revenues, reaching €497 million in 2011, even if their market share will decline in favour of the download to own (DTO) services and the free content ones, whose revenues will be, thanks to advertising, 38% of the total revenues in 2011.

This report of ITMedia Consulting, The Online content market in Europe, concentrates also on the evolution of business models and on how they are re-defining the value of content in the digital era. In particular the study analyses how digital convergence is changing the users’ habits, increasing their demand of content, and how content producers and broadcasters can benefit from this situation increasing their margins and revenues.

This market study will answer these key questions:

  • Online content in Europe: revenues and growth forecasts until 2011
  • How broadband content is changing business models?
  • How can be offered digital content? The three business models: transactional, subscription and ad supported
  • The users: who downloads digital content and why?
  • What are the opportunities of advertisers in the digital content era?
  • The different strategies of content providers



content_and_market_2007Released on February 2007

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During the last years, IPTV has known significant growth rates, and several services have been launched since 2001, when Fastweb appeared on the Italian market with the first IP based broadband triple play offer. This evolution is based on the belief that broadband is to be the medium which will convey entertainment content in the near future.

Mainstream broadcasters are approaching this new distribution channel. In the UK Channel 4 has made available part of its programming online, with a service of previews and catch up TV. The BBC is promoting the iPlayer project, which should provide a seven-day catchup service featuring a large proportion of programming available for download over broadband, as well as simulcasting services over the internet. The service should also make selected radio programmes available as downloads without digital rights management restrictions. A corresponding catch-up service would also be available to cable and broadband video services, elements of which are already provided through video-on-demand.

Broadband seems to be the next TV vehicle, as it is also shown by growing interest of advertisers towards the internet. The increased growth in online usage has lead to greater support from both lower & higher spenders to include online in their marketing strategies.

Personalization of offers leads to the development of on demand supply, based on libraries. Users generated content and file sharing are spreading. More and more users are leaving behind physical supports in favour of digital –whether legal or not- download from the net. In all the major markets, consumption of traditional TV is decreasing to the advantage of internet browsing. Among the youngsters internet is getting the heart of their social relations and spare time.

Finally, the audiovisual industry is to face this new dynamic environment, and so is TV under its most innovative version, such as IPTV and triple play offers.

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