
Dove i contenuti incontrano la convergenza

ITMedia Consulting, società di ricerca e consulenza, opera nel campo dei contenuti e dei media digitali.

Ciò che ci caratterizza è la vocazione internazionale; la nostra peculiarità è il focus sui temi della transizione al digitale, dell’accessibilità dei contenuti e della convergenza tra media, internet e telecomunicazioni.


ITMedia Consulting ha affinato la propria esperienza lavorando accanto a operatori del settore – incumbent, nuovi entranti e regolatori – sui mercati internazionali e proponendosi come punto di riferimento per affrontare le sfide dell’ambiente digitale e della convergenza.

L’approccio innovativo, le elevate competenze del top management, la dimensione internazionale, l’autorevolezza e l’indipendenza consentono a ITMedia Consulting di offrire servizi non standardizzati, ma orientati alle specifiche esigenze del cliente.



First signs of recovery and changes

December 15th,  2015

  • In 2015, the TV market shows the first signs of recovery after a long period of recession: total earnings have slightly grown of 0,6% from the previous year.
  • The diffusion of platforms, after years of stagnation, is starting to change: Broadband TV will triple its accesses and will become the primary modality in 900.000 homes compared to the actual 300.000.
  • In 2016 total earnings will still be growing and by the end of 2017 the market will reach €7,9 billion, at a annual average of +1,8% over the period considered.
  • Advertising is still suffering the lingering conjunctural effects: though growing, the CAGR will be limited to +0,95%, driven primarily by the thematic channels.
  • The pay-TV segment, despite the expected decline for DTH satellite, will increase in the considered period by +3,45%, thanks to the development of DTT offer and especially of Broadband TV.
  • Mediaset, Rai and Sky Italia account almost for the entire market, with a combined share of 94%, that will decrease by 1 percentage point in 2017 as a result of the development of Broadband TV players.
  • In advertising Mediaset will remain the main operator, with over half of the revenues.
  • In the pay-TV segment Sky still keeps its leadership, even if showing a clear decreasing trend, shifting from 80% to 72% of the market.  Mediaset Premium is growing, as well as the Other Operators component, driven by broadband TV and VOD.

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