
Dove i contenuti incontrano la convergenza

ITMedia Consulting, società di ricerca e consulenza, opera nel campo dei contenuti e dei media digitali.

Ciò che ci caratterizza è la vocazione internazionale; la nostra peculiarità è il focus sui temi della transizione al digitale, dell’accessibilità dei contenuti e della convergenza tra media, internet e telecomunicazioni.


ITMedia Consulting ha affinato la propria esperienza lavorando accanto a operatori del settore – incumbent, nuovi entranti e regolatori – sui mercati internazionali e proponendosi come punto di riferimento per affrontare le sfide dell’ambiente digitale e della convergenza.

L’approccio innovativo, le elevate competenze del top management, la dimensione internazionale, l’autorevolezza e l’indipendenza consentono a ITMedia Consulting di offrire servizi non standardizzati, ma orientati alle specifiche esigenze del cliente.


The Internet Era of TV
Expanding Entertainment

A new Report on Internet TV by ITMedia Consulting

In the new TV ecosystem, Over the Top TV represents the answer to the increased demand for flexibility in consumption and choice in content by the consumers who want to integrate their viewing with their online lives, sharing experiences with friends, often on second screen devices.
The current market is still at an nascent stage, and despite the uncertain economic framework, OTT revenue is expected to rise to €1.9 billion in 2015, with an annual growth rate of 53%.
Initially OTT video services in Europe will be dominated by advertising: at this stage, established players enter the internet arena as a mean to reduce losses, limit cord cutting and to increase viewers’ loyalty. Later on these services will also generate additional gains to traditional revenue streams. Indeed, advertising-based services will lose weight proportionally compared to transactional and subscription-based services.
As a matter of fact, the larger slice of OTT revenue will depend on the migration from home video entertainment based on physical supports to online rental services, e.g. Netflix and the likes, and on the spread of non linear and time shifted offerings of broadcasters and telcos (video on demand, catch up TV, PVR).
Meeting consumers’ expectations in terms of flexibility and choice will be key to the success of TV in the Internet age.
A very useful Report, even from a strategic point of view, an essential tool for understanding how Internet TV is developing in Europe, with more than 80 pages and over 40 charts and tables.

Table of content


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