
New perspectives for market definition: free and pay TV

9 February 2015
Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi”, Aula AS 03
Via Roentgen 1, Milano –  10.30 a.m

The investigations carried out by Antitrust and Regulatory authorities throughout Europe have so far basically confirmed the definition of a specific relevant pay-TV market, quite separate from the FTA market. Nevertheless, the technological evolution resulting from the digitalization of content and the phenomenon of convergence in communications markets (media, internet and telecommunications) have generated deep changes in the television industry. In the light of the above considerations, this workshop is focused on the relevant market in the television sector, with the aim to provide elements that encourage deeper reflection on the relevant market definition, taking into account the changing factors and thus better matching the evolution process underway.

Federico Ghezzi, Università Bocconi

Preliminary remarks:
Michele Polo, Università Bocconi e Augusto Preta, ITMedia Consulting

Angelo Marcello Cardani, AGCOM
Filippo Donati, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Lapo Filistrucchi, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Giovanni Pitruzzella*, AGCM

Debate with the market players

Oreste Pollicino, Università Bocconi

Marcello Dolores, Discovery Italia
Gina Nieri, Mediaset
Francesco Nonno, Telecom Italia
Stefano Parisi, Chili TV
Luca Sanfilippo, Sky Italia
Andrea Stazi, Google Italia

Giuseppe Franco Ferrari, Università Bocconi


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